Dine by Diagram

Cookz Site

Looks like this could be the next big thing in recipe sharing.

It’s called “Recipics” and instead of reading and following steps, you can visually see diagrams and pictures of what the ingredients and steps are. Although some kinks still need to be ironed out (like measurements in different parts of the world), this is a very cool idea and could ultimately be something that catches on.
According to the New York Times

Recipics may be an answer to today’s cacophony of culinary chatter. Influenced by the field of instructional design and airplane-emergency-card instructions, the Australian graphic designer Lauren Bugeja began to create recipes using virtually text-free pictograms for a student project at the University of Technology in Sydney. Recently, she teamed up with designers to develop a Web site for sharing recipes and creating recipics (www.coo.kz), which will launch this month. Bugeja says recipics will appeal to visual learners and could also be useful for translating recipes across languages. While steps such as duration, measurement and actions can be diagramed relatively easily, Bugeja acknowledges the occasional stumbling block: “The ingredients are still a work in progress,” she said. “For example, it’s hard to explain the difference between flour, baking powder, anthrax and cocaine without words.”

Ultimately, I think the goal is to lose the text so that it’s just strictly pictures of the cooking process, but for now words are still included.

Check out the cookz site to sign up for more info and to see a sample of how it’ll work.

4 comments so far

  1. J Mac on

    Totally cool.

  2. cincodemayo1 on

    Now if only the kinks can be worked out. Hard to get the measurements right in other countries. But hopefully they’ll figure it out!

  3. Top Posts « WordPress.com on

    […] Dine by Diagram [image] Looks like this could be the next big thing in recipe sharing. It’s called “Recipics” and […] […]

  4. Cindy on

    The design looks simple and clean!

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