Ice Sticks

Ice Tray

Summer is just about here, and these definitely look like a better option to the normal ice cube.

Just fill up the trays with water or any other beverage you can concoct, freeze, and pop out and use.

Get yours from Crate & Barrel. They’re on sale for $4.95 $2.95 a piece.

And here are some ideas for your new ice sticks tray…

Crystal-clear ice cubes: Boil water, then cool to room temperature before pouring into ice cube trays. Bottled spring water will also produce clear cubes.

Decorated ice cubes: Place a small piece of fruit (cherry, melon ball, pineapple chunk, raspberry, lemon or orange twist, and so on) or edible flower or flower petal in each section of an ice cube tray. Cover with cold water that has been boiled and cooled; freeze until firm. Tailor your cubes for their intended use—small lemon wedges or mint sprigs for iced tea, a whole raspberry or blackberry for fruit punches, a cherry tomato for Bloody Marys, and so on.

Flavored ice cubes are great for icing drinks without diluting them. For instance, use lemonade cubes for lemonade, Bloody Mary mix for Bloody Marys, coffee for iced coffee—you get the idea. Forget about trying to make cubes from rum, vodka, and other liquor—alcohol freezes at a much lower temperature than water or juice and won’t solidify completely.

5 comments so far

  1. thedietpulpit on

    ooooo how very cool! As a longer lifetime dieter – I can see a lot of potential for these using crystal light and other 0 calorie options for some summer time cooling off! Lady Rose

  2. Bronica on

    Ikea has smaller trays but with longer sticks (sorry if that doesn’t make any sense) for $1.20 in Australia. Thanks for the recipes, they’re great

  3. caro on

    ikea in th UK have them too for £1.00

  4. - on

    I reckon these could also be used as temporary stirrers.

  5. jozjozjoz on

    I love the ice sticks to put in bottled water!

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