Plastic Glass


I always seem to like things that look like the original more than the original itself. That said, I love this Beaker Juice Glass from CB2 (that’s Crate and Barrel’s more IKEA-like line) that were recently mentioned on Productdose.

They look like those plastic clear juice cups that everyone used to have around their kitchen. CB2 says…

Paper-thin, light as a feather drinking cups take us back to lemonade stand days every time we pick them up. But these are handblown, heat-tempered, chem lab beaker glass with a neat retro ring design. Keep ’em stacked by the sink.

And at $1.95 a piece, why not keep some by the sink?

2 comments so far

  1. steve on

    I really like the idea of this,can I get them in the UK?

  2. cincodemayo1 on

    Check out for their shipping and handling policy. But I have a feeling the do ship across the sea.

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